Convert your leads into actual sales

Growthrific Solutions is dedicated to helping businesses of all sizes to maximise conversions from your marketing efforts to actual sales and customers using data and technology

Services to help you with your marketing and sales

Business Strategy

We understand your business and goals, know about your marketing, sales and service strategies and see how they perform currently. 

By using data analytics and technology, we will provide recommendations to work out your customer journey, and how this can be better managed from marketing to sales to post-sales/service  


Based on the customer journey, we work out your ideal marketing strategy that best suits your business, and plan how we can maximise each marketing channel to get the ideal audience that will most likely be your customers.


Using data and technology, we streamline the sales processes that work best with your sales team of any size to work your leads through your sales funnel from passive visitors or subscribers to eventual customers

Service / Post-sales

We deliver personalized service or post-sales experience that will deepen your relationships with your customer by providing business-critical insights about your customers, tracking their interactions, and deliver quality service within an acceptable timeline, to build a loyal customer base that will drive your business forward and be your best evanglists. 

Product / Web / Mobile Development

Want to create a personalized and optimized experience for your customers when using your digital products? We provide development services for web, mobile and business apps that will work seamlessly with your marketing, sales and service efforts so your customers will always feel they are being taken care of in their time of need. 

Technology Integration

By connecting your business systems, you are enabling a connected business that will provide a holistic view of your customer, your marketing, sales and service efforts to successfully run your entire business and provide a seamless and quality experience for your prospects and customers. 

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